Establishing A New Chapter
- A group of mechanical engineering students may petition the installation of a new chapter for their academic institution. The petition shall be addressed to the BoD care of the Board of Directors Secretary-Treasurer. The petition must be signed by at least twelve eligible students of the institution whose mechanical engineering curriculum is accredited by ABET or its equivalent for countries without ABET accreditation programs. The petition must be countersigned by at least two full professors or a combination of one full professor and one assistant or associate professor of mechanical engineering from the petitioning institution. In addition, the petition should include administrative support from both the mechanical engineering program and its college. An electronic copy of the undergraduate catalog should be included with the petition. A recent petition can be read here.
- The BoD shall have the power to grant a charter for a new chapter upon an affirmative action by two-thirds of the delegates voting at an annual convention, or by affirmation by two-thirds of the active chapters voting within twenty-one (21) days of the call for an electronic ballot. (A non-response is to be interpreted as a positive vote.)