Maintaining Good Standing Chapter Status

The performance of chapters is assessed by assigning a status classification at the end of each academic year that goes from July 1st to June 30th. Chapters with “in good standing” status are eligible to compete for the Outstanding Chapter Awards presented at the convention.

A chapter “in good standing” is one that meets the following requirements:

  1.  Hold a fall initiation (July through December) and a spring initiation (January through June); have photos of the signature pages from an approved roll book along with a photo of the new initiates, chapter officers, and advisor (if present) emailed to the national secretary no later than 7 days from the date of the initiation; email the completed registration form (following all instructions on the form) to the national secretary no later than 10 days from the date of the initiation; and have checks mailed within 30 days from the day of the initiation ceremony.
  2. Attend the national convention.
  3. Submit both annual and summary reports and enter the summary to your chapter page on the website by the June 30th deadline.
  4. Participate in the voting of relevant matters like outstanding chapter award, new chapter applications, constitutional amendments, etc., as well as, provide the name and contact information of the newly elected chapter president and/or chapter advisor to the Secretary-Treasurer, as soon as possible but no later than the end of the semester the changes occurred.

An inactive chapter is a chapter that has not held any registered initiation during the academic year. A chapter that has not registered an initiation for two consecutive academic years is considered dormant and is required to pay an inactivity fee to be able to hold an initiation.

Please remember that if a chapter holds an initiation and does not register it with the national office, the initiated students are not considered Pi Tau Sigma members, and they should not indicate so in any form, as it might be viewed as plagiarism if a membership inquiry is made to the national office on their membership (government agencies tend to check that), as there would be no record.