Alumni Associations
Background Information
Prior to the 2011 Convention in Chicago, the only formal means through which a Pi Tau could remain involved with the Society after graduation was to either become a faculty advisor at a university, or to join the National Board of Directors. The delegates in Chicago approved an amendment to the National Constitution and Bylaws to allow for the creation and government of alumni associations to fill that void.
Types of Alumni Associations
There are two types of alumni associations available to be formed:
How you can get involved
Reach out to your local alumni, whether from your own Chapter or a neighboring campus, put a contact list together, and encourage them to form an alumni association.
How To Create a New Alumni Association
The Constitution and Bylaws of Pi Tau Sigma state the following:
Article IX. New Alumni Associations
- A group of Pi Tau Sigma alumni shall be granted a charter upon the receipt of a petition addressed to the Board of Directors care of, and at the discretion of, the Secretary-Treasurer which has been signed by at least three alumni of a given chapter or residing in the same state region or metropolitan area.
- The petition shall specify whether the alumni association to be chartered is chapter- or area-based.
Article X. Government of Alumni Associations
- The officers of each alumni association shall include a president and other officers as directed by the alumni association’s bylaws.
- Each alumni association has control of and is responsible for its individual affairs subject to this Constitution and the Bylaws of this Honor Society. No alumni association may make or assume any obligation in the name of this Honor Society. Bylaws adopted by an alumni association for its guidance shall not be in conflict with this Constitution or the Bylaws of this Honor Society.