Kentucky Pi Lambda

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506

Charter Date   May 24,1947

Chapter No.   36

Advisor   Dr. Christine Trinkle

Chapter Status

Annual Chapter Reports

Kentucky Pi Lambda

Early in 1947 outstanding mechanical engineering students, under the able leadership of Professor E. B. Penrod, petitioned the National Council for a chapter of Pi Tau Sigma to be established at the University of Kentucky. The petition was received favorably.

On May 24,1947, Kentucky Pi Lambda Chapter was formally installed by National Secretary-Treasurer L. J. Bradford.

Kentucky Pi Lambda Chapter has certain activities: listing all local industries of interest to students in mechanical engineering for summer and part-time employment, recognition and presentation of an award to the outstanding sophomore in mechanical engineering, developing engineering experiments to be used in the mechanical engineering laboratory, cooperating with the Engineering Student Council and the Student Branch of A.S.M.E. throughout the school year.


2023-2024 Catherine Cornwell, President

The 2023-2024 school year was great for the Kentucky Pi Lambda Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma at the University of Kentucky Pigman College of Engineering. Our organization welcomed five new members, two (2) in the Fall 2023 semester, and three (3) in the Spring 2024 semester. This growth of our chapter will help us to continue to make an impact on our campus and beyond. 

In addition to our initiation procedures, we have participated in and held several other great events over the course of the year. During our initiation week each semester, we as an organization decided to pursue a community service opportunity on campus. In the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 semesters, our members participated in a University of Kentucky Big Blue Pantry food drive. Campus studies have shown more than 40% of students experience some level of food insecurity, and this drive seeks to help combat that issue. 

Pi Tau Sigma was also invited to attend the 2024 College of Engineering Awards Banquet presented by the Kentucky Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi and sponsored by the Engineering Student Council. This ceremony, held on April 11th, 2024, recognized the achievements of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff from all departments within the college. As an organization, Pi Tau Sigma was honored to present the Pi Lambda Chapter Outstanding Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering Award at the banquet to Hunter Blankenship. All Pi Tau Sigma initiates and officers for the 2023-2024 were recognized at the ceremony as well. Also in attendance at the banquet were President Catherine Cornwell, who served as banquet photographer, and Vice President Brysen Honeycutt who gave the Opening Remarks. 

All the great work carried out by the Kentucky Pi Lambda Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma this year would not have been possible without the involvement and support by our members, officers and faculty advisors. We as an organization look forward to another great year next year. 


2022-2023 Brysen Honeycutt, Vice President

The 2022-2023 school year was great for the Kentucky Pi Lambda Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma at the University of Kentucky Pigman College of Engineering. Our organization welcomed six new members, five of which were initiated in the fall 2022 semester, and one in the spring 2023 semester. This growth of our chapter will help us to continue to make an impact on our campus and beyond.

In addition to our initiation procedures, we have participated in and held several other great events over the course of the year. During our initiation week each semester, we as an organization decided to pursue a community service opportunity on campus. In the fall 2022 semester, our initiates and members participated in the University of Kentucky Toys with a Purpose initiative. This was an adaptive toy lending library donation outlet on campus that was developed specifically during the holiday season. In the spring 2023 semester, our members participated in a University of Kentucky Big Blue Pantry food drive. Campus studies have shown more than 40% of students experience some level of food insecurity, and this drive seeks to help combat that issue.

During the fall semester, we as an organization partnered with Tau Beta Pi to hold a free snack event during finals prep week. Our two organizations set up a station with snacks in a common study space of the engineering campus on the Friday before final exam week. Among our students, finals week is universally recognized as the most stressful part of the semester, so we wanted to provide an outlet during this time and wish students the best of luck with the conclusion of the semester.

Pi Tau Sigma was also invited to attend the 2023 College of Engineering Awards Banquet presented by the Kentucky Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi and sponsored by the Engineering Student Council. This ceremony, held on April 11, 2023, recognized the achievements of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff from all departments within the college. As an organization, Pi Tau Sigma was honored to present the Pi Lambda Chapter Outstanding Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering Award at the banquet to Kylee Furbeck. All Pi Tau Sigma initiates and officers for the 2022-2023 were recognized at the ceremony as well. Also in attendance at the banquet were President Catherine Cornwell, who served as banquet photographer, and Vice President Brysen Honeycutt.


2021-2022 Halley Burge, President

The University of Kentucky Pi Lambda chapter of Pi Tau Sigma had several activities outside of its usual semesterly info session and initiations/makeup initiation. Semesterly meetings occurred between officers to discuss the preparation of the info sessions and initiations, and to pass on responsibilities to the next semester’s officers. Additionally, frequent meetings with the advisor
occurred for general upkeep of the chapter. Members congregated together throughout the semester for club social interactions.

Pi Tau Sigma was also invited to the 2022 College of Engineering Awards banquet hosted by the KY Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi on Monday, April 18, 2022. The Pi Lambda Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma’s Outstanding Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering Award was awarded to Spring 2022 initiate, Brysen. Also in attendance was the Spring 2022 Vice President, Catherine. The ceremony also recognized the officers and new initiates of Pi Lambda for the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters.


2020-2021 Songcheng Lin, President

The Kentucky chapter of Pi Tau Sigma conducted two virtual initiations during the 2020-2021 academic year. During the fall initiation 7 students were initiated and 3 students were initiated in the spring semester. The activities that our chapter participated in were mainly volunteer opportunities offered by the University of Kentucky College of Engineering. The three activities were freshman orientation, career fair, and E-Day.

The online freshman orientation fair shows incoming freshman students about UK engineering organizations. We made a PowerPoint and answered questions about Pi Tau Sigma to incoming freshman. This was a great event to advertise the organization. While freshman is not eligible to join Pi Tau Sigma, it was emphasized that the organization was interested in any ideas. Freshman, mechanical and other disciplines alike, were encouraged to get in contact with Pi Tau Sigma if they had any ideas for opportunities they would like to see on campus.

During the College of Engineering career fair Pi Tau Sigma members helped the University successfully host the career fair events. The activities include checking in students, helping employers set up their tables, delivering water and guiding the locations etc. This volunteer opportunity was valuable to students who wanted to become acquainted with career options. A benefit of this volunteer opportunity was that it stretched over several days; this schedule better allowed students to volunteer at a time that was convenient to them.

E-day is an annual event hosted by UK College of Engineering for K-12 kids to experience engineering. The College of Engineering views E-Day as the most important community event throughout the year as the goal is to inspire future engineers. Different organizations set up tables and have activities for kids and parents. The senior design projects are displayed by posters as well as engineering research opportunities. Pi Tau Sigma helped set up the tables and decorate the venue for this event.

2018-2019 Mingping Zhang, President

Two initiations were hosted during this academic year. The fall initiation took place on 11/29/18 and 12/6/18, and 4 students were initiated. The spring initiation was on 2/20/18, and 5 students were initiated.

The initiation process began with getting the list of all eligible students from our chapter advisor Dr. Wu. Only the top 20% juniors and top 25% seniors were invited. Invitation emails were sent out to all eligible students for the smoker event. During the smoker event, a brief presentation about Pi Tau Sigma was given.  Food was provided during the info session and bents were given to the potential initiates to polish. In the Initiation ceremony, an initiation rituals procedure was followed, and new members were initiated. Membership dues were collected during the ceremony and the shiniest bent received a discount.  The new initiates signed their names and wrote their personal emails on the roll book.

UK Pi Tau Sigma did many activities and volunteer events this year. We held meetings regularly to discuss activities and upcoming events. Here are the activities that we did during fall 2018 and spring 2019:

Freshman Orientation:

Orientation fair to show incoming freshman students about UK engineering organizations. We made a poster and answered questions about Pi Tau Sigma. This was a great event to advertise the organization.

Career Fair volunteer:

Pi Tau Sigma members helped the University successfully host the career fair events. The activities include checking in students, helping employers set up their tables, delivering water and guiding the locations etc.

E-day volunteer:

E-day is an annual event hosted by UK College of Engineering for K-12 kids to experience engineering. Pi Tau Sigma helped set up the tables and decorate the venue for this event.

Study session:

Joint study sessions with ASME so that mechanical engineers could work     together on similar problems with food provided. It’s a great opportunity for mechanical engineering student to collaborate with each other on course work. Study session also included tutoring for the lower classmate. This is a meaningful event that will be continue and expand next year.

In addition to the chapter activities, occasionally we also held exam study sessions.  Next semester we are planning to have more social events. At this point, we are planning on going to the national convention next year.