Auburn Chi

Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849

Charter Date   December 7, 1940

Chapter No.   23

Advisor   Dr. Richard Williams

Chapter Status

Annual Chapter Reports

Auburn Chi

In the fall of 1940, senior mechanical engineering students from Alabama Polytechnic Institute contacted the National Council of Pi Tau Sigma, obtained the approval of the Executive Committee of the Institute, and petitioned for a chapter. The petition was granted and was voted at the twenty-third National Convention. Formal installation was held December 7, 1940 with National Secretary H. E. Degler officiating, assisted by members of Georgia Tech Nu Chapter.

In 1960 Alabama Polytechnic Institute changed its name to Auburn University. The chapter has continued to promote scholarship, professionalism, and a strong educational program in Mechanical Engineering.

Auburn Chi has sponsored freshman and senior scholarships, a pre-engineering open house and tour of Mechanical Engineering, an initiate smoker, and an undergraduate tutorial program.


2023-2024 Ben Deas, President 

The Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society was busy during the 2023-2024 academic year with social events, community service, and new member initiation ceremonies. The officers and members enjoyed a year full of serving and representing the Mechanical Engineering department as well as building camaraderie with their fellow classmates.

The Auburn Chi chapter initiated 20 new members over the fall and spring semesters to join our honor society. In order to be initiated, the potential new members were deemed eligible by ranking in the top 25% of mechanical engineering undergraduate juniors and seniors academically, and they were required to complete various tasks of intent. These included attending two social events held by the chapter, completing two hours of community service, polishing a brass bent, and obtaining three mechanical engineering professors’ signatures of academic honesty and merit.

Spring 2024 Initiation

Spring 2024 Initiation

Our officer team planned and executed a variety of social events over the course of the year. Our bent polishing parties enabled our initiates to complete one of their requirements and also get to know each other along the way. Study nights put on by the chapter allowed our students to study and collaborate on projects in a welcoming and snack-filled environment during traditionally stressful weeks. Game nights gave our students a break from classes and allowed them to participate in a little friendly competition. We brought the mechanical engineering student community together by hosting events with the Auburn chapter of American Society of Mechanical Engineers as well. Most notably, our Auburn Basketball Watch Party and Design Night with ASME were some of our largest events. These events were very beneficial to our chapter, as they increased our exposure on campus and to the mechanical engineering student community. Lastly, we sold Auburn Mechanical Engineering t-shirts and sweatshirts to raise money for future events, increase our campus footprint, and give our students something to wear and be proud of on campus.

The president and secretary attended the 2024 Pi Tau Sigma National Convention to represent Auburn in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The officers were appreciative of the opportunity to learn from the other chapters at the convention and bring back that knowledge to be implemented next year. 

Overall, we had an amazing year and are planning for ways to advance and expand our chapter in the upcoming year as well as serve our students well.

2022-2023 Nicole Licavoli, President 

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma had a ton going on. We conducted initiations both semesters, hosted several social events, donated time to our community, elected new officers, adopted a few new bylaws and held the Pi Tau Sigma National Convention during March 2023. 

Throughout the past year, our chapter aimed to spread the word about our organization to the Auburn Mechanical Engineering community through merch sales and tabeling events. Our goal was to promote those eligible to join and encourage those currently ineligible to work towards joining Pi Tau Sigma. 

This past year, we initiated 30 new members spanning both Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. To gain membership into the Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, initiates needed to attend 2 social events, completed 2 service hours (or serve 2 hours at the National Convention), polish a bent, gain 3 professor signatures (our form of letters of recommendation), and finally attend initiation. 

Spring 2023 Initiation

                           Spring 2023 Initiation


Along with initiation events, we held many social events during the academic year. We hosted our annual ASME and Pi Tau Sigma Design Night. Our goal by continuing the Design Night with ASME is to continue to get our name out there to the Mechanical community and promote the work and benefits of being a Pi Tau Sigma member. We also hosted a movie night in which members had the opportunity to relax during a stressful time of year. Along with a movie night, a game night and study night were hosted each semester to allow for more member engagement. 

Spring 2023, we also changed a few bylaws to allow for a steadier officer team. It was decided on by the chapter that the core team (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Safety Officer) were to be elected at the end of the Spring semester. Social chair and Alumni relations will continue to be elected each semester to allow for new initiates to begin their leadership experience in Pi Tau Sigma. 

The big highlight of our year was hosting the Pi Tau Sigma 2023 National Convention. Our team had such an amazing time planning the convention and meeting everyone from other chapters around the country. Our team was able to learn a lot from planning the convention but were also able to learn a lot about leadership and running our chapter. 

Overall, we had an amazing year and are already planning for next academic year and are continuing to strive to increase our membership and our campus footprint. 

2021-2022 Megan DeVoe, President

In the 2021-2022 academic year, the Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma conducted both semester initiations, hosted several social events, invested in our community through service, and held chapter meetings to elect new officers and discuss new ideas for the upcoming year. This year, the chapter sent four officers to represent Auburn University at the national convention and then submitted a proposal to host the upcoming convention.

This past year, the chapter aimed to increase the number of active members and the number of initiates in each class to bring the chapter back towards its pre-COVID status. To increase the notability of Pi Tau Sigma on our campus, more informational meetings were offered to introduce potential new members to what the chapter does at Auburn. To foster more comradery between current and new members, Auburn Chi hosted Pi Tau Sigma Study Nights each semester. These events had the highest attendance of the social events we have offered and established fellowship within the chapter. The chapter also hosted a Game Night in collaboration with Auburn’s ASME members to help both groups increase in involvement. In the fall and spring, Auburn Chi hosted several bent polishing parties, allowing new members to use a Dremel to polish their bent and connect with their fellow initiates. The initiates each did two hours of service for the community of Auburn before initiation. Many members participated in Auburn University’s E-Day event to promote the College of Engineering to prospective high school students and represent Pi Tau Sigma at a table in the involvement fair. 

The current president of the chapter, along with the secretary, treasurer, and alumni chair, attended the 2022 National Convention and took away a few key tips to incorporate into Auburn Chi. These new ideas will contribute to a year of fellowship and continued service to the Mechanical Engineering Department on Auburn University’s campus, which we are excited to promote by hosting the 2023 National Convention.

Fall 2021 Initiation

Fall 2021 Initiation


Spring 2021 Initiation

Spring 2022 Initiation


2020-2021 Mackenzie Pitts, President

For the 2020-2021 academic year, the Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma conducted initiations, hosted several social events, invested in our community through service, and held chapter meetings to elect new officers and discuss new initiatives. Despite limitations to gather imparted by the pandemic, the commitment to serve and honor the Mechanical Engineering department and its students remained constant.

This past year, an emphasis was made to establish fellowship within the chapter. To spur this initiative, the chapter instituted a new policy where all members are required to attend at least one social event each semester in order to remain in good standing. Due to gathering limitations imparted by Auburn University, meeting for social events became difficult. In the fall and spring semesters, Auburn Chi hosted several bent polishing parties. Each day allowed new initiates to use a dremel to polish their bent and an opportunity to connect with their fellow initiates. There were also virtual events held each semester. Members first had the opportunity to attend a movie night where we showed The Starfish Throwers, and they later were invited to a trivia night themed with Auburn and Mechanical Engineering department questions. As the guidelines eased in the Spring, the chapter hosted the first Mini Design Night in which students competed to design and build a boat using only aluminum foil, and the student whose boat held the most pennies without sinking in a container of water won a prize. This project allowed them to apply design skills they had acquired from their classes in a creative and relaxed environment.

Not only was gathering in-person for service events hindered, but many annual events in the Auburn area were cancelled this year. Instead, the chapter supported a local food drive, encouraging members to donate cans of food to the East Alabama Food Bank throughout both semesters. Towards the end of the year, many students participated in the Big Event, a community-wide day of service, by helping with yard-work.

By navigating this year despite the challenges presented, Auburn Chi found new ways to increase the community among its members. The current president of the chapter, Mackenzie Pitts, attended the virtual National Convention and took away a few key tips to incorporate into Auburn Chi. These new ideas will contribute to a year of fellowship and continued service to the Mechanical Engineering Department on Auburn University’s campus.

Spring 2021 Initiation

Spring 2021 Initiation


2019-2020 Nicholas Devereaux, President

         During the 2019-2020 academic year, the Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma conducted initiations, participated in community service activities, and held chapter wide meetings to elect officers and discussed new ideas to continually improve our chapter. Auburn Chi maintained its support of the Mechanical Engineering department and set forth a path to create closer bonds of fellowship and promote the professional welfare of its members.

         We continued to widen our selection of career development activities and workshops for all members, while adapting and improving from the results of previous attempts. In the fall, we had an elevator speech and resume workshop that allowed us to meet new members and prepare skills for the Career Fair, which was in the same week. Members were able to practice their elevator speech to each other and give feedback as well. We again worked with ASME to have a night just for members to meet companies on a smaller, more relaxed scale and multiple people got job offers from it. We will continue to increase the number of career-oriented events we hold in the following years, with plans to open them to any student, not just members.

          In the fall and spring semesters Auburn Chi hosted several bent polishing parties. Each event was held to provide members the opportunity to use a Dremel Rotary Tool to polish their bent and connect with their fellow initiates. This also served the dual benefit of teaching proper power tool and shop safety to our member. Pizza and other snacks were provided to liven the atmosphere. We had a board game night in the fall that allowed members to participate in an evening of friendly competition as well.

         Throughout both semesters, the Auburn Chi chapter was proud to have its members represent us in a variety of community service activities and organizations. Between campus groups such as IMPACT and the individual plans of members, we had a positive influence on the Auburn community. Auburn Chi continued to support the Mechanical Engineering department by providing tours and speaking to the visiting high school and middle school students at E-day and giving tours of the Mechanical Engineering building. Two members, Nicholas Devereaux and Sean Gant attended the national convention hosted by Colorado State in February. Both returned with several ideas on how to further expand Auburn Chi’s impact on campus by furthering efforts to establish alumni relations, fundraising, creating more social and service opportunities. The current board of officers has already set plans to incorporate these suggestions and the suggestions of current members to further expand the role of the Auburn Chi chapter on campus.

      By further expanding the social and service events hosted, and exploring new methods of increasing the community between current members, Auburn Chi will continue to grow and looks forward to a year full of new ideas, fellowship, and continued service to the Mechanical Engineering department on Auburn University’s campus.

Initiation Spring 2020 Screenshot

New inductees during the Spring 2020 Initiation

2018-2019 Katelyn Jenkins, President

         For the 2018-2019 academic year, the Auburn Chi chapter of Pi Tau Sigma conducted initiations, actively donated service hours, hosted several new social events, and held chapter wide meetings to elect officers and discussed new ideas to expand the outreach of the chapter. Auburn Chi maintained its support of the Mechanical Engineering department and set forth a path to create closer bonds of fellowship, continue to coordinate departmental activities, and promote the professional welfare of its members.

         This past year, an emphasis was made to incorporate more career development opportunities for the new initiates and current members. In the spring we had an elevator speech and resume workshop that allowed us to meet new members and prepare skills for the Career Fair, which was in the same week. Members were able to practice their elevator speech to each other promoting fellowship and confidence. We also worked with ASME to have a night just for members to meet companies on a smaller, more relaxed scale and multiple people got job offers from it.

          In the fall and spring semesters Auburn Chi hosted several bent polishing parties. Each party allowed new initiates access to a dremel to polish their bent and an opportunity to connect with their fellow initiates. We had two movie nights in the fall and a trivia night in the spring that allowed members to participate in an evening of friendly competition. We also had several members compete in the annual ASME student vs professor softball game, the students unfortunately and surprisingly lost.

         This past spring, Auburn Chi contributed a team to Auburn University’s Big Event service project. Members spent an entire morning helping with yardwork for a group of elderly women in the community. Auburn Chi continued to support the Mechanical Engineering department by providing tours and speaking to the visiting high school and middle school students at E-day and giving tours of the Mechanical Engineering building. Two members, Chase Matthews and Elise Bauer attended the national convention hosted by Colorado State in February. Both returned with several ideas on how to further expand Auburn Chi’s impact on campus by furthering efforts to establish alumni relations, fundraising, creating more social and service opportunities. The current board of officers has already set plans to incorporate these suggestions and the suggestions of current members to further expand the role of the Auburn Chi chapter on campus.

      By further expanding the social and service events hosted, and exploring new methods of increasing the community between current members, Auburn Chi will continue to grow and looks forward to a year full of new ideas, fellowship, and continued service to the Mechanical Engineering department on Auburn University’s campus.