Tuskegee Sigma Psi

Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088

Charter Date   December 7, 1970

Chapter No.   96

Advisor   Dr. Maria Calhoun

Chapter Status

Annual Chapter Reports

Tuskegee Sigma Psi

The Sigma Psi Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma at Tuskegee formally began December 7, 1970. It grew out of the need for recognition of those outstanding students in Mechanical Engineering who possessed high academic and leadership capabilities.

At the present, Sigma Psi concerns are to improve student instructor relationship in the school of engineering. Along with this, we as members of Sigma Psi and as students at Tuskegee Institute strive to compel' student's awareness of the engineering profession. To do this, we in conjunction with other engineering organizations promote an Annual Engineering Alumni Days which brings engineering graduates back to the institute to give engineering students some perceptiveness of the engineering profession as a career. In addition, we have design projects from various companies to help improve our insight of the particle problems in the engineering profession.

Sigma Psi is also involved in promoting tutorial :sessions, providing guidance, and motivating underclassmen interests. In addition, we have implemented projects to improve and/or update laboratory facilities for student use in research. Beyond our academic world, Sigma Psi participates in several community activities.