Temple Beta Alpha

Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Charter Date   February 8, 2009

Chapter No.   169

Advisor   Dr. Laura Riggio

Chapter Status

Annual Chapter Reports

Temple Beta Alpha


2023-2024, Alexa Sano, President

In the 2023-2024 academic year, Temple Beta Alpha Chapter initiated 14 members. This is an increase from the 5 members initiated last year. Our chapter is being reconstructed as we are still recovering from Covid-19. Student participation has declined across the entire college but is slowly rising to the levels before the pandemic. Our activities were limited this year due to low active members. As such, this year we emphasized recruitment among the eligible junior class. Of the 14 initiated members, 9 members are returning for the next school year. This is larger than the returning classes in the past. Per university guidelines, we need to install two more office positions. These positions will be treasurer and secretary. By expanding the number of executive positions, we hope to host events that will strengthen the bond between members. This year, we started an in-depth member information data sheet that includes alumni and current members’ contact information. This is to allow our future members to contact alumni members to ask about member experience and maintain our network. Next year, Temple Beta Alpha chapter hopes to continue to grow in numbers and focus on hosting chapter events that will support our members academically and professionally.

Fall 2023 Initiation

Spring 2024 Initiation

2022-2023, Nicholas Klein, President 

The 2022-2023 school year saw the initiation of 3 new members in the Fall and 2 new members in the Spring. The COVID-19 Pandemic greatly reduced our chapter’s membership size and we have been working diligently to increase our numbers. This made holding recurring meetings difficult as much of our time was spent discussing methods to improve membership. The chapter is aiming to greatly increase membership next year as the pool of eligible students is expected to be larger. Informational sessions are going to be revamped next year as well to include statements regarding the future vision for the chapter so that students will have a better idea of what they are committing to. The chapter would like to put a resume book together as well that can be forwarded to employers so that our students can be in a better position to receive job offers upon graduation. The President and Vice President held consistent meetings with the chapter advisor to discuss plans to accomplish this and plans to begin to hold events again. After next year, the chapter aims to reestablish the position of Treasurer to give more responsibility to our members. We had hoped to be able to send two delegates to the national convention this year for the first time in our chapter’s history, but schedule conflicts and budget constraints prevented this. However, the chapter does expect to be able to attend the convention next year. Finally, the chapter plans to discuss receiving additional funding from the Mechanical Engineering department so that we can host more formal meetings and events. 

Fallspring 1spring 2

2021-2022, Joe Souder, President

The 2021-2022 school year saw the initiation of 10 new members in the Fall and 5 new members in the Spring. Continuation of the pandemic hindered club activities, however meetings involving the school student government were attended twice a month in the Fall and Spring. With the meetings we were able to make members aware of legislation being voted on that affected them and fellow students for better or worse. The meetings also consisted of discussion on relevant social issues that were relayed back to fellow members for a greater awareness of events occurring in our community. Next year the chapter hopes to gain funding from the school to allow members to take the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design certification exam and further boost members resumes with relevant skills to their major.

Fall 2021 Initiation
Fall 2021 Initiation
Fall 2021 Make-up Initiation
Fall 2021 Make-up Initiation
Spring 2022 Initiation
​​​​​​Spring 2022 Initiation​​​​​
Spring 2022 Make-up Initiation
Spring 2022 Make-up Initiation


2020-2021, Robert Walsh, Recording Secretary

During the 2020-21 school year the members of Pi Tau Sigma proved their strength and resilience through doing what they could to continue to be engaged members. We held study sessions for various advanced courses such as Heat and Mass Transfer and Vibrations to foster a feeling of belonging and guidance for the new members. While academia was our main focus we did not forget to remind students that downtime was necessary in order to promote best health practices so we occasionally organized mass game/puzzle sessions remotely. Pi Tau Sigma held the new member interest meetings, rush week, and initiation all to a massive success. New members were greeted and welcomed while the hopes of meeting each other in person were high. We are looking forward to the next semester when the students will be able to interact properly and in person.


Fall Initiation; October 16th, 2020

Initiation 2

Fall Make-up Initiation; October 19th, 2020

Initiation 3

Spring Initiation; March 30th, 2021

Initiation 4

Spring Make-up Initiation; March 31st, 2021


2019-2020 Mary Hassig, President

Temple University Beta Alpha initiated nine new members in the Fall semester and four new members in the Spring semester. Throughout the year we participated in various fundraisers and activities with other engineering clubs such as ASME and Theta Tau. We participated in an FE Talk Back Panel where students who passed the FE exam discussed their experience with studying and the actual process of taking the exam. We also participated in Engineer’s Week at our college by setting up an egg-drop-like experiment in the lobby. Students were able to design and build apparatuses that held four quarters taped together and drop them from the top of the steps. The goal was to have the longest time before their designs hit the ground. We planned to host a SolidWorks training course with the CSWA test, but it was cancelled due to COVID-19. In the coming year the chapter officers hope to hold this event.

2019 Fall Induction
2019 Fall Induction
Spring 2020
Spring 2020 Induction


2018-2019 Ivy Chen  President

Temple University Beta Alpha re-established its chapter in March of this year and initiated 17 new members. Because we were initiated so late in the academic school year, it was difficult to plan and hold any activities or fundraising events. While we were unable to contribute too much at this time, the re-founders of this chapter have big ideas and plans in store for this coming semester to give back to the department and its students, including hosting SolidWorks training sessions and certification tests as well as machine shop certifications.