NDSU Pi Upsilon
Fargo, ND 58108
Urged by the need for an organization to recognize scholarship and services in the field of mechanical engineering, the students of North Dakota State University, under the leadership of Florian Jendrick, organized a petition for a chapter of Pi Tau Sigma. The N.D.S.U. Pi Upsilon Chapter was formally installed December 13, 1948, by National President B. H. Jennings.
Each year the Carnot A ward is presented to the professor who has done the most to promote academic and professional achievement in mechanical engineering. The professor who "caused the greatest consternation to the senior M.E. of N.D.S.U." receives the annual Purple Shaft Award.
N.D.S.U. Pi Upsilon. Chapter stresses cooperation with the Mechanical Engineering Department and the student section of A.S.M.E.